4 Ways to Heal Using Divine Energy

This article was written by Douglas De Long
posted under Health & Healing

The Gospels of the New Testament, written records, mention several women as being associated with Jesus. Along with Mother Mary, there was Mary Magdalene. She worked as an energy healer and herbalist. She was not a prostitute as the Gospels wrongly portrayed her. She was closely associated with Jesus, who trained her in the ancient mysteries. Mary Magdalene used her secret knowledge and gifts and became a wonderful healer.

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Cinnamon –

Promotes spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, lust, love, and protection. You can bake cinnamon into almost any desert thereby creating a sort of semi incense state that releases its’ spiritual energy. It is a powerful powder or oil – be cautious, as many people are allergic to it.

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Herkimer Diamond by Rhiana Moonstar

Projective. Elements: Fire & Water. A special clear quartz. Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness,  opening the brow and crown chakras for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation. May make one too “high”/spacey to wear. The “dream stone” – in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the chakras. Cleanse often.

Dragon Planetary Correspondences

Rules: The conscious will, energy, life, joy, success, advancement, leadership, natural
power, friendship, growth, healing, light, abundance
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
Magickal Tool: Scepter
Colour: Yellow or gold Metal: Gold
Zodiac: Leo
Stones: Zircon, jacinth, goldstone, topaz, yellow diamond, chrysoleth
Oils: Bay laurel, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, ginger, patchouli, rosemary, styrax
Incense: Cloves, cinnamon, frankincense, laurel, myrrh
Plants: Acacia, bay laurel, Benzoin, cassia, chamomile, sweet cicely, cinnamon, clove,
frankincense, ginger, juniper, mastic, myrrh, oak, patchouli, rosemary, storax

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Quartz Crystals

Easy to cleanse, store info/energy in, program or amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy. Powerful clear ones open Brow, Crown, and Transpersonal Chakra for meditation, sending/receiving guidance. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency.


This stone carries immense quantities of energy, both positive and negative and is thus the stone of fortune and misfortune.  lt is also called the stone of the Gods since it carries all colours.  It represents all four elements.

it attracts to the wearer whatever is written on its self.  It opens the visionary aspects of the mind and encourages and aids visions and psychic journeying.  It also strengthens memory and revives and clears the mind.  It is also used in prophecy and divination by placing over the third eye.

Continue reading “OPALS”

Clear Quartz:

Mirror of the soul, representing our uniqueness and our journey towards clarity; an excellent stone for meditation. In combination with other stones, enhances their energy. Stores, amplifies, transforms, and focuses energy. Natural crystal point.




Aids   kidneys,   pancreas,  spleen.  Balances  male/female polarities.  Alleviates   fear,  reduces  stress.   Emotionally balancing.  Grounds  excess  energy.  Increases  capacity  for astral projection. Joy,  lightness.  Works  with  chakras  and attitudes according to color of stone.




Black Tourmaline:

Simply excellent at repelling negativity. Can protect a person from the negativity of another person. Increases vitality, energy, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity. Protects against negative spells. Excellent for grounding. It can point you in the direction of things that will bring “good”. Concidered a “teller stone”…can tell you who or what is causing you problems.