Druidry and Shamanism

Working with animal powers is a central feature of shamanism, and we can find many shamanic elements woven into the philosophy and practice of Druidry. Michael Harner, a world authority on shamanism, speaks of the shamanic way as one which is best defined as a method to open a door and enter a different reality. Much Druid ceremony and meditation has as its goal journeying into other realities, and the word ‘Druid’ is related to words meaning both ‘oak’ and ‘door’ – with the symbol of the door or gateway being central in Druidic teaching. Joseph Campbell, the great mythographer, has shown that there are a number of key features which distinguish a shaman’s art. These include: ritual dance, the possession of a wand or staff, ecstatic trance, the wearing of animal costume, identification with a bird, stag, or bull, becoming master of game animals and initiations, and the control of a magical animal or familiar. Traces of possible ritual dances exist in the old folk dances, and there are numerous references to Druid wands and staffs and ecstatic or altered states in the literature of Druidry.

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Door Handle Sachets  

A sweet, old fashioned touch throughout the home, door handle sachets can magically charge the entrance to each room.

For instance:

A Protective Sachet may be hung on all doors entering the house: make a small bag, about 3 inches by 5, tied with a loop that will allow it to hang from the door knob.  You can get as fancy or as plain as you like with it, matching it to the decor of your home. 

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Rowan Moonstone

When I cleanse a dwelling place, first I burn a good cleansing incense, like frankincense or sandalwood in the home while I prepare for the rest of the ritual. You should have in addition to the incense, a candle, a bowl of salt water and a bowl of herbs. I particularly like to use rose buds for love, lavender for preservation, rosemary for protection, and any other sweet smelling ones that appeal to you personally. If you can get them home grown, so much the better. You should proceed around the house, widdershins (counter clock wise) and cleanse the area with the salt water. Be sure to get each corner, window, door, drain, etc. Simply sprinkle a little salt water on each and ask that any evil or disruptive influences leave the place. When this is finished, proceed around the house deosil (clockwise) sprinkling the blessing herbs and invoke whatever deities or properties you wish on the home, such as peace prosperity, tranquillity, etc. In the past, I have used 3 candles on the central altar. Blue, symbolizing tranquillity, green for healing and prosperity, and purple for protection. Others might be pink for love, or brown for hearth and home. You and anyone who is to share the home with you should share food and drink, and don’t forget to leave a little of the food and drink to take outside and return to the Earth that which has been given.

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Home Protection Spell

The best protection for your home is to lock up when you are away. Lock the windows, the doors, and any other openings. When going away for the weekend on vacation, a protection spell works best if no one knows you are away except a trusted friend. Stop the mail, don’t order things that may be delivered while you are gone, or have someone check for packages. Once the prep work is done, place a black stone such as onyx, jet, or smoky quartz under the doormat or near the door, and say:
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by Alan G. Hefner

A name given to a female vampire or werewolf in Surinam Negro folk belief. She transforms from human to animal form at night and travels around drinking human blood. According to belief the best way to stop her is by sprinkling grains or seeds about, when seeing them she has a compulsion to stop to count them and gather them up. Another way of stopping her is by propping a broom, which she won’t cross, against a door.

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