Crystal info

HOW DO I CHOOSE A CRYSTAL.  There will be times when you need to purchase a crystal, and given the great abundance of healing stones now available, it can be useful to have a system for choosing your crystals.  You do not need to know the exact properties of every stone in order to buy one, although this may help.  Below is a list of possible ways you could go about choosing a crystal. Remember, just because a crystal is beautiful, and the nicest one of a bunch, doesn’t mean that it is the best crystal for you. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you.

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Caring for your crystals.

It is important to cleanse crystals, not only when you get them, but regularly after that too. Crystals pick up vibrations both good and bad and to ensure they work to their full capacity and don’t pass negativity on, you need to be aware of the various methods to keep them fully active. Imagine, your crystal has travelled hundreds, possibly thousands of miles before you received it. It has been handled not only by the person who mined for it, but all the other people who have been responsible for it during it’s journey. All of these contacts will have left a form of imprint on the crystal.

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*Amethyst remedy for loneliness*

*There is a crystal remedy for loneliness. My grandmother taught me this.
*You will need a good size amethyst, put it in consecrated water and consecrate it as you would any other precious stone. Direct your focus onto the crystal, think about having good moments, happy moments and loneliness fading away. You also can envision yourself busy, or to have your husband touch the crystal so you will feel his presence no matter where he is.

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The best way is often the easiest so keep it simple. Water with a little salt is excellent, wash gently, and dry. Dish soap can be used but do not use dyed or strong chemicals because of the chance of discolouring the crystal.  Avoid scouring pads because it can scratch the surface. If you like your crystals super shiny the try polishing it with a jewelers cloth after.


A Quick Guide to Working With Crystals

Finding the Right Crystal:

Ask anyone experienced in crystal use & they will tell you that the best way to select a crystal is to find that one that “feels” right. What does that mean? Simple, if you pick it up & it feels like it belongs there or it really catches your eye, that’s the one for you. When working towards a goal or purpose, research the crystal(s) that best suit the goal & then go shopping. However, be open to what the universe is telling you. If you go to the store to buy amber but quartz calls to you, there’s a reason. Often, when we set out to accomplish something, there are underlying reasons, motivations, & energies that we need to deal with but don’t realize it. The universe will guide you to what you need, even if it doesn’t agree with the book. Trust the universe first.

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