Crescent Moon:

The crescent moon is a symbol of the Goddess. The crescent moon can be either waxing (going towards the full moon), or waning going towards the new moon). The waxing moon is great for doing magickal workings that have to do with growth, creativity, etc. The waning moon is for the opposite, for example, banishing negativity. The crescent moons also symbolize two of the aspects of the Goddess. The waxing moon symbolizes the maiden, and the waning moon symbolizes the crone.

Lammas, August 2

Lammas: Lughnassadh (pronounced Loo-NAHS-ah) (Celtic), Cornucopia (Strega), Thingtide (Teutonic)
August 2 (Lughnassadh, the Celtic festival in honor of the Sun God, is held on the 7th)
This is the celebration of the first fruits of the harvest. The Sun King, now Dark Lord, gives his energy to the crops to ensure life while the Mother prepares to give way to her aspect as the Crone.

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October 31

Samhain: (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas (Celtic/Scottish) October 31
“Samhain” means “End of Summer”. Its historical origin is The Feast of the Dead in Celtic lands. Samhain, popularly known as Halloween, is the Witches’ New Year.
It is said to be the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin, when souls that are leaving this physical plane can pass out and souls that are reincarnating can pass in.
Darkness increases and the Goddess reigns as the Crone, part of the three-in-one that also includes the Maiden and Mother.

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North-September 21

South-March 21


The Fall Equinox, or Mabon, is celebrated as the final harvest of the season. This holiday was pivotal in ancient times, since a good final harvest was crucial to surviving the winter months ahead. This is the time of year where we truly reap what we have sown and we prepare for the long winter that lays before us. The day and night are again equal in time and the God has traveled at last to His place of rest. Now, He has sacrificed the last of Himself to provide us with a final harvest of food before the winter begins. Celebrants gather to mark the turning of the wheel and to give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice of The God, recognizing that He will be reborn at Yule. This holiday has been called “The Witches’ Thanksgiving” and is a time for feasting together with family and friends. This is also the time to welcome the season of the Crone. Kore’ goes to the Underworld to learn the secrets of the Crone (or in some stories she is kidnapped by Hades), and the earth is bare as Her mother, Demeter, mourns Her loss. But although the winter is before us, we know that the wheel will turn again, life will be reborn, and our blessings are bountiful.

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by Almut Wille

The youngest of a goddess triad, Latiaran (“Breast of Light”) is the death bringing crone goddess of the harvest. When she was later on christianized, her feast day was July 25th or the Sunday closest to it. A story already from Christan times tells that she went to a smithy every morning to bring “the seed of fire”. When the smith told her she had pretty feet, she vainly looked down, and her apron caught fire. Although her clothes were burning, she was not hurt. Then she sank into the ground, below a heart-shaped stone, never to be seen again. Her older sisters are called Inghean Bhuidhe and Lasair.