Blackthorn –

(Prunus spinosa) also called Sloe, is a wintry tree, the fruits ripen and sweeten only after the first frosts, and a cold spring was known traditionally as a “Blackthorn Winter”. Wood from the Blackthorn was traditionally used for the Irish cudgel or shillelagh, thorns were used in Witchcraft to pierce wax images. Ogham represents strong action of fate or outside influences in your life or journey. Also unexpected change, issues to be faced and decisions to be made which are inescapable. Counquers resistance draws on spiritual strength, new direction with opportunities.

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Herbs and Names

Common names may change, but Latin, or botanical names almost always remain constant. Many gardeners balk at Latin names, finding them tongue-twisting and intimidating. And, in truth, they are often unnecessary. A vegetable gardener may grow fine carrots and tomatoes and never learn the Latin words.

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*Chrysanthemum stone*

*Stone resembles blooming autumn chrysanthemum flowers.
*Allows one to drift through the blossoms of life.
*Stone of harmony and change.
*Enhances compatibility, renewal of relationships and unity.
*Fun-loving and innocence, helps one to enjoy each moment.
*Removes obstructions from one’s path; calms and provides confidence.

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Modified Assyrian Protection Spell

Ban! Ban! Barier That None Can Pass,
Barrier Of The Gods, That None May Break,
Barrier Of Heaven and Earth That None Can Change,
Which No God May Annul,
Nor God Nor Man Can Loose,
A Snare Without Escape, Set for Evil,
A Net Whence None Can Issue Forth, Spread for Evil,
Whether It Be evil Spirit, or evil Fiend, or Hag-Demon, or Ghoul, or Robber-Sprite,
Or Phantom, or Night-Wraith, or Handmaid of the Phantom,
Or Evil Plague, or Fever-Sickness, or Unclean Disease,
Or That Which May Do Harm in Any Form or Fashion
Which Hath Attacked the Shining Waters of Ea,
May the Snare of Ea Catch It;
Or Which Hath Assailed the Meal of Nisaba,
May the Net of Nisaba Entrap It;

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

The sky goddess, wife of the sun. The twin sister of Yolkai Estsan, wife of the moon. The most respected goddess of the Navaho Indians, she is seen as the goddess of change, and it is said that she progresses through age to become an old woman, then becomes a young woman again. She passes through an endless stream of lives, always changing but never dying. Estanatlehi created the primeval pair of humans from maize.

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Homeopathy and Personal Growth

by Anja Heij

Generally homoeopathy is believed to work thoroughly but slowly.
Indeed I know many examples of constitutional treatment (meaning whole-person-healing) with homoeopathy that take months or even some years to complete. During these treatments people go through various stages of healing on the physical, emotional and/or mental plane. They lay off psychological coat after coat, defenses once necessary to facilitate the best possible option to live under a certain circumstance. These defense mechanisms, ways to behave, beliefs or habits, have served you during a period of your life. But life is growth and change, and after some time these known patterns become outgrown, outdated, and start to form a block for further progress. Then it is time to clutter out your life, like you would do with your wardrobe. You won’t wear a pair of shoes of thirty years old any longer, do you?

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On the Joy of life by Aleister Crowley

The joy of life consists in the exercise of one’s energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal

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