*Boji Stone*

*Iron-magnetite concretion.
*Solid, round, grey-brown discs with iron.
*Grounding, electromagnetic, balances body’s energy field.
*They reduce pain by holding one in each hand.
*Wearing/holding them with a Tiger’s Eye or other stone containing asbestos may bring on ill feelings.
*Recharge electrically in sun.
*Store Bojis apart – magnetism neutralizes each other.

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Prayer for a First Pregnancy

Each moment you experience this,
you who bring each moment through to its proper time.
This is my first pregnancy, however,
and I lean on you, asking for strength.
During the time of growing, give me strength.
Guide the baby in the way it is to grow,
bring it to health and strength.
During the time of waiting, give me patience,
so that my pregnancy might reach its fulfillment in its proper time.
You are my model, Mater Dea,
and I look to you for help.

Continue reading “Prayer for a First Pregnancy”

A Warning

There Once was a time when Wild Magick was free,
Where everything existed and ceased to be,
Where Gods and Goddesses ruled the Earth,
And with their knowledge gave Birth,
Now dark times call once again,
A hero is needed to stop the Pain,
The world is dying because of us,
Now we must learn to wish and trust,
We must re-awaken magick forgot,
And loosen the world from its shackled knot,
Remember the Old ways and follow the lines,
Bring forth the past of olden times,
With their knowledge the Earth shall have life,
Without it nothing but pain and strife,
Don’t ignore the warnings of fate,
Act now I charge you before it’s too late.
Continue reading “A Warning”

The Path of the Shaman Then and Now

by Amber Wolfe

I recently heard a wonderfully simple definition of the word shaman .
It was: “A shaman is one who helps people in their dealings with the other worlds.”
These other worlds are the realms above, beyond, and deep within the experiences of our lives. These are the realms of spiritual, psychic vision and of pure, natural Earth energies. In shamanism, these worlds were traditionally represented as the upper world of the sky, or spirit levels, and the lower worlds of Earth and Nature. Humankind, along with all its symbols and traditions, was the middle world. Because of their abilities to alter their states of consciousness, the shamans were able to explore these worlds and bring back vision.

Continue reading “The Path of the Shaman Then and Now”