Aleister Crowley

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley was born October 12, 1875 in Leamington Spa, England. His parents were members of the Plymouth Brethren. He grew up with a biblical education and an equally thorough hatred of Christianity.

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A Druid

A Druid came upon a place, they say, were magic lived
He looked in awe and reverence upon this site he’d found
And called upon all brethren
To come and gather round

Come see the magic, feel the air
It tingles in the dew
Its here we build our temple friends
The rocks and stones we’ll hue

And so it was with hands and backs
The Druids set to labor
For years they toiled and sweated much
To build for Gods they favour

The others looked in disbelief and said these men are mad
But Druids knew their cause was just and must always be defended
So on they toiled and toiled both day and night
Until their task was ended

They died a long long time ago
But their legacy remains
Although its now in ruins
We know it as Stonehenge

Aecoll 08-10-2007