
Gossypium hirsutum
Cotton – an annual herb or shrub 2 – 5 feet tall. Grayish-green alternate leaves, 2 – 6 inches long, are usually three-lobed. Cup-shaped flowers of cotton have large, showy, creamy white to yellow petals with a purple or red spot near the base. The fruit capsules (the boll) contain seeds covered with white hairs (the cotton fiber). Cotton produces flowers and fruit throughout most of the year.

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Bupleurum chinense syn. B. scorzoneraefolium
The plant commonly called by names such as the Chinese thorough wax or the bupleurum is an herb native to parts of East Asia. The bupleurum is a perennial herb, which tends to grow in wild profuse patches along the sunny sides of sedge thickets in many areas of East Asia. The herb is characterized by the presence of many broad linear to lanceolate shaped leaves arranged in an alternative array along the stem. The shape of the leaves are peculiar, with acuminate shape apexes having a gradually tapering base, morphologically the leaves are also characterized by having parallel running veins which run seven to nine inches thick and the leaf margins are intact without any peculiar edges.

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Practice #39: Confining the energy into a triangle or mirror

In the previous practice you have learned to keep an energy out of something. One of the functions of an empty circle is the removal of any material point where an energy could manifest. The practice that we are describing here has the opposite goal. It is the creation of an atmosphere that makes it easy for an energy of a higher order to manifest. This practice is also helping to confine the energy inside a well defined realm. Once the energy is made to manifest and well confined you have a reservoir from which you can project the energy at any target. While the circle represents emptiness, the triangle allows manifestation. A triangle that you extend into space naturally becomes a tetrahedron, or three sided pyramid with a base. This is an excellent representation of structure in a three dimensional space.

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