Herbs helpful for pregnant women

There are many herbs that for years have been used safely and indeed regularly throughout pregnancy to promote a healthy pregnancy and an easier delivery. But please, for the safety of yourself and your baby, consult your health care professional before using any herbs, even those generally considered safe. Each pregnancy is different, so don’t take our word for it that these herbs will aid your particular pregnancy.
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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

The leg child who became the sun, in Papuan mythology. One day a woman who was in a garden near the ocean, seeing a great fish playing in the surf, walked out into the water and played with it. Some time later the woman’s leg, against which the fish had rubbed, began to swell and become painful, until at last she had her father make a cut in the swelling, out of which popped a baby. The child, called Dudgera, grew up in the village, but his aggressiveness made him unpopular with the other boys. Fearing for his safety, the woman brought her son to the huge fish, who seized Dudugera in his mouth, and swam away. Before departing with his father though, Dudugera warned his mother and her relatives to take refuge behind a great rock, as he was about to become the sun.

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Binding Spell

Write the name of the person that you wish not to harm you on a piece of paper. Now stare at the paper and visualize that person’s face, visualize until you can vividly see their face imprinted on the paper. Then fold the paper three times and tie it with a piece of black thread or string. Place it in an small air-tight container, (tupperware, baby food jar, etc.), fill the container with water, and place at the back of the freezer where it won’t be disturbed, saying, “Stay there and freeze for as long as I please”. Continue reading “Binding Spell”