
*Apophyllite has been used to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm. It facilitates attunement to ones body as well as to the higher dimensional life forms. It allows one to both recognize and act upon the truth in all situations.

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*In its clear, transparent, pyramidal form, is a gem of very high vibration. It is good for breaking up congestion in the head on all levels, from physical to spiritual. In its solid form and as an essence, Apophyllite can stimulate the pineal gland, assist in breaking up congestion in the sinuses, and help open one’s intuition.

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*Against paralysis of the muscles and nerves, against facial paralysis and enormous pains, like colic.
*Use as a therapy stone in case of Multiple Sclerosis, depression, hallucinations and epilepsy.
*Strengthens kidneys and bladder.
*Apophyllite opens the heart chakra.

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*It can help to facilitate astral travel and then send information that has been collected during astral travel back to the conscious self.

*This stone can help to remain totally conscious while astral traveling where one can access the akashic records, past life experiences and exchange communication with those of the spirit world.

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*Apophyllite Information*

*Apophyllite is a very joyous and uplifting energy. It is very good to use if one feels depressed.

*As an elixir it is good for asthma and the respiratory system in general. It is also good for bringing love to ones heart.

*The rare green form of Apophyllite is good for activating the heart chakra. It is also an auric cleanser.

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*Clear, white, light green striated crystals.
*Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall.
*Clairvoyance, out of body travel, etc.
*Green is most powerful: Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart chakra, as it opens the brow and crown chakras.
*Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher-self and angelic realm contact.
*Helps to see the truth for growth.
By Rhiana Moonstar
