The numerology of the soul entity.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Isha Schaller de Lubicz92 who wrote an inspiring and precious esoteric book entitled Journey into the Light. Her inner wisdom and spiritual Knowledge have guided me in this discourse.

Continue reading “ABOUT THE MYSTERY OF MAN (part III)”


    An amulet is a magickal tool that helps bring about changes in your life. Herbalist Paul Beryl thinks they might be the oldest form of herbal magick — as in when the Wise Ones of the village sensed the magickal power of certain plants and decided to carry them about.

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Themes: Pleasure; Playfulness; Divination

Symbol: Palm Leaf

 About Ayizan: Ayizan is the first priestess of voodoo tradition, governing the public places where people gather to celebrate the goddess. As such, she oversees the Mardi Gras exuberant revelry, offering psychic insight and protective energy to keep us out of trouble.

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Door Handle Sachets  

A sweet, old fashioned touch throughout the home, door handle sachets can magically charge the entrance to each room.

For instance:

A Protective Sachet may be hung on all doors entering the house: make a small bag, about 3 inches by 5, tied with a loop that will allow it to hang from the door knob.  You can get as fancy or as plain as you like with it, matching it to the decor of your home. 

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By Carol Ward

Chapter II




They say knowledge is power and I agree, learning is empowering. I find that the more I learn, the more interesting life becomes. I’m not talking about school type learning, (although obviously that’s great too) I’m talking about finding out more about anything and everything. My best inspiration for learning comes from movies. I’ll be watching a movie (or TV program or reading a book) and they’ll mention something, a country, religion, archeological find, strange happening, unusual weather phenomena etc and I’ll think, “hey, that sounds interesting!” My next stop will be the internet and/or my local library (aren’t libraries great!) and I’ll read and do research until I feel I know enough about the subject. That doesn’t mean I know everything about it, just what I need to satisfy myself. I’ve learned lots of amazing things this way and I never get tired of it, there’s always something else to learn about.

Continue reading ““IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN!””


by Brent P. Newhall

About one thousand to twelve hundred years ago, an unknown author put pen to paper and transcribed an epic that had already been circulating for about two centuries. The work which he wrote was a sweeping Anglo-Saxon tale entitled “Beowulf.” It is the oldest piece of English literature extant today, though it nearly did not make it here; it was almost destroyed by King Henry VII along with the monastery in which it was housed. A library fire threatened to take in 1731 before it was finally put in the British museum in 1753, where it remains today.

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by: Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Enochian Magick specifies thirty special zones called the Aethyrs, or Aires. These range from TEX, the lowest, which interfaces our Earth, to the highest, LIL, which interfaces the world of divinity. The Enochian magician learns to leave his or her physical body and travel through these Aethyrs in his or her Body of Light—the aura of modern occultism and Theosophy. As this happens, the principles that create and sustain existence manifest themselves to the traveler. He or she learns what life is all about, and what his or her purpose in life is to be. He or she can then learn the lessons of manifested existence and free him or herself from the forces of karma and reincarnation in a single lifetime. Like the jivamukti of Vedanta, the Enochian magician can become liberated while living—a living embodiment of spiritual knowledge and power. This is the ultimate goal of Enochian Magick.

From Self-Doubt to Self-Assurance: The Inner Journey of The fool

by Anja Heij

Lack of self-confidence is an unseen enemy for many people. This foe keeps us from doing what we would love to do, from taking decisions that are good for us, and from expressing our uniqueness. Many men and women are flowers that never open up. I know what I am talking about. Some years ago I felt like a dried flower myself, feeling unworthy and guilty and believing statements like: “You dare not do this, you will never succeed in that, you won’t come any further than making just a small start.” And then the story went on with:

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Buddha and Reiki: A Personal Experience

by Anja Heij

The Buddha and Reiki are in a beautiful way related in my life. Perhaps not so amazing, since the man who discovered Reiki, Mikao Usui, was a Japanese Buddhist.
About three years ago I bought a bronze with gold plated Buddha statue in Ladakh. It sits on my altar on a heavy marble socle, surrounded by other religious objects. I worked on free information for the web site. A friend told me that I should ask money for my work, but I chose to first show people my way of approaching subjects for free; in a later phase I wanted to implement Reiki courses on payment.

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An Opinion on Magick

by Steve Caldwell

When I decided to write an article on magick I didn’t quite foresee what a difficult subject it was to write about.

Magick, (real magick, not the tricks that David Copperfield does) is still considered to be somewhat of a taboo subject. Even in this enlightened and supposedly free country, those who practice the ancient arts are ridiculed and persecuted.

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