*Covellite *

*Energizer, brings freshness to life as it stimulates the inner spirit to seek new heights and enjoy the moment.
*Aids in re-birthing experiences.
*Helps maintain a positive outlook.
*Can assist in turning conscious dreams into realities.
*Said to stimulate the third eye and initiate psychic abilities, and to allow one to move easily into a state of deep meditation.

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Astrological Sign – Gemini


MAGICAL PROPERTIES: This stone is associated with Sea Goddesses. It is recommended for increasing psychic abilities.  It helps one to attune to more spiritual levels of awareness. For those who are involved in spiritual development, it provides emotional and intellectual stability and enhances the connection with the higher self. It enables one to travel deep within the self and to understand the complexities, to simplify the resultant information, and to concurrently remain centered.

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Are You Psychic? How to Evaluate your Own PSI Talents.

by Atham Z

It is my belief that everyone has some psychic skill, which they choose to develop, ignore or eliminate to the best of their abilities.
The following is a short ESP potential test that can be quickly evaluated with only “yes” or “no” answers.

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Alumina (Aluminum)

by Anja Heij

Aluminum is a very light and easy transformable metal, associated with the planet Neptune and the sign Pisces. In astrology Neptune has to do with fading away, dissolving, excarnation, anonymity. This excarnation can work out in a positive way (mysticism, visions, psychic abilities, spirituality, dreams, ecstasy, inspiration) but it can also bring about confusion, intoxication, poisoning, decadence, delusion, addiction, degeneration, deformation and decay: the material world looses its solidity and stability. Pisces ‘rules’ the feet.

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Shamanic Symbols

by Amber Wolfe

Functioning as a priest(ess), healer and channel between the worlds, the shaman calls on a very unique abilities—that of divination. Divination is the ability to use perception and attunement to interpret signs and symbols. Shamanic divination is most closely related to the modern processes of diagnosis as used by doctors and analysis as used by psychologists. Just as doctors use physical symptoms to identify an illness and psychologists use behaviors to identify a disordered state of mind, the shaman uses signs from all aspects of Body/Mind/Spirit and Nature to identify surrounding conditions for people. The healing process of modern medicine and psychology involves a period of diagnosis before treatment. In much the same way, the work of the shaman requires the process of divination in order to deal with the energies of Nature and the realms of Spirit.

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