Fluorite by Rhiana Moonstar

Projective. All rainbow colors. Important balancer, healer. Opens heart (especially green), throat and 2 highest chakras for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities. Spleen bones, teeth, lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia.

Clear and Purple: Objectivity; clears the way for new things, upliftment, aura cleanse, 3rd eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems.
Green: Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all chakra.
Blue: Throat, nose, ears, soothing; karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.
Yellow: Focus, cooperation, group alignment.
Yttrium: Lavender, well-being, serenity, peace, connection with universe/God/eternal life force.
Clusters: Lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk).
Double Pyramid: Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2 sides/brain; crown chakra, illuminating karmic lessons. Spiritual: For spiritual growth, called the guidance stone, dissipates negativity, aids in concentration & memory. Healing: Canker sores, ulcers, heartburn, sore throat, infections and the intestinal tract. Opens wearer to influence of other stones. Grounds excess energy.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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