(Pronounced Loo-Naa-Saa)


(Meaning Loaf mass)

North-August 1

South-February 1

Lughnasadh celebrates the first harvest, it is a time when the God’s power begins to wane and he is growing weaker. The Goddess reflects his age with her sorrow and it seems she to is growing older, but never weaker.

Lughnasadh is the funeral games of Lugh, the Celtic god of light, hosted by him in honour of his foster mother Taite.

As the Saxon festival of Lammas it celebrates the breaking of the first loaf of bread baked of the first harvest.

This is the first festival in the waning year, the light is still bright but days are shortening and soon winter will be upon us so this is the time to start the long preparation for the darker times when the Earth is in her cold, quiet hibernation.

Lughnasadh is a time to reflect on all the gifts in our life we have been taking for granted, all of the little things we hardly notice in our modern scurry, we must search for them in our day-to-day lives and give thanks for them. It is a time to remember all of the people who have given so much to you and taught you in your life… in other words Lughnasadh is a time of thanksgiving because it reminds us that every good thing in our lives must be cherished because nothing lasts forever, everything must die or move on at some point and sometimes that point seems far to soon. So Lughnasadh is the time to be grateful for the things we have now and to give thanks for the good things now.

Seize the day!!! “We can only live life one heartbeat at a time.” J.

I like to say that Lughnasadh is the time when the God is on his deathbed; he is preparing himself for his journey into the underworld where he will take up his mantle as lord of the dead and dark lord but still he smiles to us, reminding us that death is another transformation and nothing to be afraid of.

He is the wise old hermit, the wise God, keeper of the mysteries.

Colours: Dark Green, Yellow, Gold, Orange or Golden Brown.

Herbs: Sandalwood, Frankincense, Heather, Yarrow, Hazelwood, Wheat, Oats, Willow.

Foods: Apples, Nuts, Oats and bread.


Symbols: Corn, Wheat, Beer, games and athletic competitions.


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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