Taking your time, translate each of the following descriptions into a  mental image. Go back and do it again in a few weeks and then a few weeks later, and notice the difference. Notice the difference, also, in the way you see things…inner as well as outer..after you’ve done these exercises.


Now sense (see, smell, taste, feel, or hear) with your mind’s eye the following phrases:
* a familiar face

* a galloping horse

* a rosebud

* your bedroom

* a changing stoplight

* the sound of rain on the roof, the voice of a friend, children laughing at play

* the feel of soft fur, an itch, a gentle breeze on your face

* the muscular feeling of running, of kicking a can, of drawing a circle on paper

* the taste of a lemon, of tooth paste, of a potato chip

* the smell of bacon frying, of a gardenia, of perspiration

* the feeling of hunger, of a cough, of comming awake

* a stone dropped into a quite pond with concentric ripples forming and expanding outward…

* of this text or paper flying away, high into the blue sky and finally disappearing…

* your shoe coming apart in slow motion and each piece drifting away into space…

* an orange being cut into five equal pieces and the pieces being aranged in three different patterns…
May you find the joy and peace that you deserve, and may this text assist you in developing the inner eye…

The Wizard Ariel


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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