Gathering Magickal Items

By Badger Woolfsbane

The thing I like most about our magickal way of life and working magick is that some spell ingredients can be quite hard to find and finding them is almost like a mini quest. For me spells seem to be that much more powerful if I have gone out there and gathered the ingredients myself rather than buy them. It is probably because of the energy you expend in your quest is already being transmitted into the objects you find before you have even cast the spell, making it that much stronger.

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Salt Dough

One of the simplest, and one of my favourite crafts, is salt dough. It is really fun. You can mold it into any shape you like, such as goddesses, gods, pentacles, etc. All is you have to do is follow the recipe below, form it into your shapes, set them on a oven tray, and bake them until hard. This depends on what sort of oven you are using. In fact, you can even bake them in the microwave. After baking them, just paint them, and let dry. Voila, you have cute little figures perfect for jewellery, ornaments, decorations, or anything else you can think of.

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Norse Religion, or Heathenry, is the modern-day practice of the ancient tribal belief systems of the Northern European peoples; the Teutons (continental Germanic tribes ) and the Norse ( Scandinavian and Gothic tribes ).  Although their deities were pretty much the same, they were pronounced differently among the various tribes.  Thus you have Odin among the Norse, and Wotan or Wodan among the Teutons; Thor or Thonar among the Norse, and Donar or Donner among the Teutons. There are several different modern practices of Heathenry.  The main religious tradition is known as Asatru, meaning ‘loyalty or troth to the Gods.’

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