Drawing Down the Moon by Zenith Simon

To many, the powerful rite of Drawing Down the Moon belongs exclusively to a Wiccan ritual and it is also rebuffed as some shoddy rite inserted with a favour to reflect the practices of Thessalian witches who ‘called down the moon’. The context of the ‘drawing of the moon’ in the ancient past and today is different, yet, I should say Drawing down the Moon is one of the most inspiring and evocative ritual, and it is a universal rite.

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The healing heat of Ginger

by Anja Heij

My first amazing experience with the healing power of Ginger was during a fasting week I assisted as a student. A bit nervous I applied slices of fresh cut Ginger on the lower back area of my teacher-naturopath, since she was suffering from back-ache since two weeks, and no cure had helped yet. Her back was then covered with towels and a blanket, and half an hour later the backpain had completely disappeared! Since I had cut far too much Ginger I decided to make a delicious tea of the left-overs with Lemon, and this combination had a surprising uplifting effect on the group of fasting people.

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by Anja Heij

Federico Fellini once said: “There is no beginning, there is no end, there is only the infinite passion of life.”
Infinity is the forever expanding heartbeat of the universe. A well-known symbol for this concept is the snake biting his own tail, or a circle. These round symbols are a simple representation of a deep truth: life is perfect and complete, you are perfect and complete, yet there is always more to learn, try out, understand and experience and therefore we are encouraged to move on our path.

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Baba Yaga: A Demon or A Goddess?

by Freya

Growing up in Kiev, Ukraine, I loved reading and listening to fairy tales. These stories, filled with Slavic flavor, were opening up a new world for me, a world where one is to learn lessons and always to succeed, a world in which no matter how many hardships and terror a good character goes through, he or she always succeeds, a world in which a goodness always defeats an evil. Being my hide-away from the harshness of reality, that world was very much sought by me at all the times. Yet, this world absolutely needed to have a few definite characteristics to serve its purpose: the fairy tales I loved to read and re-read had to have Baba Yaga as one of its evil characters. The more evil this character was, the scarier her description, the more vicious her behavior, the better I liked the fairy tale. So who was this Baba Yaga character and what was it in this evil creature that drew me to read and re-read multiple fairy tales, in which I was seeking a camouflage from reality?

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What is Prima Matra?

Prima Matra is an ancient alchemical term that means prime unviolated first matter, and covers any form of matter that is resonant with the original first matter. According to Thoth (as received through Maia), originally this planet was entirely a spiritual creation without a matter counterpart, in other words it was pure energy with divine patternings. As it began to slow down its vibrational frequency, matter began to coalesce from the pure energy patternings. The first matter that did coalesce was absolutely pure, as yet untainted by negative intrusions of human thought or feeling as we know it today. This first matter was called Prima Matra by the ancients.

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