Herbal Skin Care

The surface of your skin needs to be kept moist as well as clean, to protect it from the harmful effects of drying wind, burning sun and environmental pollution. All preparations used either to cleanse, tone, moisturize or nourish the skin should be used in moderation. Always remember that your skin is alive, breathing and eliminating, and that its delicate balance of pH, moisture and immunity can easily be damaged by too much cleansing, toning, and moisturizing which clog the pores.

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Hanui-o-Rangi (father of winds)

God of winds and weather. Polynesian. He is the son of the sky god RANGINUI, who fathered himbin one of his early consorts, Pokoharua, the sister of TANGAROA, the sea god. All the subsequent descendants of Hanui-o-Rangi are believed to rule over various aspects of the weather. Hanui thus fathered Tawhiri, the god of the northwest wind, whose son was Tiu. They control the fierce storms from the east. The children of Tiu include Hine-I-Tapapauta and Hine-Tu-Whenua, the deities overseeing the more gentle westerly winds.

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Feng Po

Sky god. Chinese. Described as the “Count of the Wind,” which he releases from a sack, he has strong links with the sea. He was originally regarded as malevolent and the antagonist of the god Shen Yi. Feng Po may be depicted in human form as an old man with a white beard, or in the guise of a dragon with the head of a bird or a deer. Also Fei Lian; Fei Lien; Feng Bo.


River god. Bambara [Mali, West Africa]. Regarded as the deity who brought order to the world at the time of creation. He impregnated himself and gave birth to twins who were the first human beings. He is also the progenitor of fish stocks in the river Niger. His chief adversary is the god of the desert wind, TELIKO. Faro is propitiated annually by a Komo society of men in a ritual of dancing. They use a special mask which is created anew each year. According to legend Faro came to earth after a long period of drought during which most of the living things died. He also gave mankind the gift of speech.

ADAD (wind)

ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).

Weather god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1900 BC or earlier to circa 200 BC.

SYNONYMS Ramman (thunder); IS ˇKUR (Sumerian).

CENTER(S) OF CULT Karakara and at Aleppo and Mari [Syria].

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ENLIL (lord wind?)

ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Sumerian) [Iraq]. God of the air.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 3500 BC or earlier to circa 1750 BC.

SYNONYMS ELLIL; Illil; Ilu; Nunamnir.

CENTER(S) OF CULT Nippur, Dur Kurigalzu, but also at Eridu and Ur.

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The Lovers by Charly

They come two in one
One melting of two lights
Dark to light to one
Moon to Sun, Mother-to-Father
They come full force as one
They come fire to water
World unspoken to a shouting force
Tornado manifesting the unseen
Face of wax melting to steel
Iron fist hiding velvet
Soft to hard, water to rock
Earth to wind, Love to Hate
One equal power to many sides
Twisting to one fate, destiny
Love the great force unseen
Invisible glue of all matter
Come and going into being
From nowhere to the seen
From evesight to oblivion
Tunnel without light beckoning
I call forth the fire
I call forth the water
I call forth the visible
I call forth the unseen
One Power. One Force. One Love
Falling thru Time
Time mirror of illusion.


by Charles La Shure

The “Five Dragon Chariot” was the chariot which Haemosu rode when he descended to earth and ascended into heaven. Given the name, it was most probably pulled by five dragons, and it was said to have ridden on the wind and the clouds. It could transport the rider anywhere almost with the speed of the wind.

Beltaine Moon by Charma

Thunderstorm echoes, speaking stories across the earth..
Neath the oaks secret lovers sip golden summer wine..
Beltaine moon rises, shining silver in the evening sky..
In the circle, vibrant, firelit, the lady waits.
DreamSinger sings the songs of old, the dancers spiral turning..
Earth and water, fire and air.. on the altar candles burning.
East then South, West and North, the corner wards are called.
Raise the cup and drink…salute to she who waits..
We who stand on the edge of wonder, ask and do invoke..
Into the circle enter, enter.. love and trust your oath.
The scent of incense fills the night, carries whispers on the wind..
The horned lord bidden, here the lady waits..
Mysteries are spoken, souls and hearts, our will be done…
Passions inflamed are given reign.. freed from earthly bounds.
Renewal, fulfillment, as above.. so below.. and blessed be.
Under the beltaine moon… The lady waits no more..