The metaphors and rituals of place and time

– an introduction to liminality


Why Christopher Robin wouldn’t walk on the cracks

Bob Trubshaw

We are obsessed with boundaries. Places are divided and sub-divided in a complex web of overlapping patterns of ‘ownership’, ‘sacredness’, ‘historic interest’, ‘outstanding natural beauty’ and much else. A simple car journey will take us past signs marking the entry and exit of each parish, less frequently past county boundary signs or through the ‘portals’ of National Parks such as Derbyshire with its prominent millstones. Leaving the the road (note, again, the sense of boundary) will take us along rights of way allowing access through otherwise private property, perhaps with distinctive ‘Keep Out’ signs.

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For a Few Myths More

by Aries


“…Aries shows us how modern images (albeit set in 19th century America)…” Julia, Web of Wyrd No. 7.

For me, that “albeit” sounded like a gauntlet being slapped down. Can we show the presence of myth in films other than Westerns? We don’t plan to go on in great detail, but we suspect that what we’re trying to get across is the suggestion that maybe “The Mythic” is not the stories or rituals, but the substrate out of which our tales and trials grow.

Continue reading “For a Few Myths More”