Enduring Beyond Oppression – The Truth About Vodou by Ross Heaven

Vodou is a religion born in slavery, which blends together a number of traditional African beliefs with elements from other faiths, notably Catholicism, the religion of the slave-owners, with which it has always been an uncomfortable bed-fellow.
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Basics of Vodou (Lesson 1)


Although the word Voodoo tends to conjure images of zombies, pins stuck in dolls, animal sacrifices, priests drinking blood, etc., it’s not exactly a realistic portrait of what Voodoo truly is. In fat because of the images associated with this word, most practitioners prefer the term Vodou.
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Basics of Vodou (Lesson 4)


For too many, the word “voodoo” conjures up some wild images. Weird curses involving bones and pins stuck in poppets. Secret societies making sacrifices to their demonic gods. Evil priests raising zombies. Media has given us a sensational but unrealistic view of the vodoun religion.
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Basics of Vodou (Lesson 2)


The lwa are immortal spirits with supernatural powers. They fall somewhere between God and the human race. They are very similar to the saints, angels and demons of Catholicism. The lwa oversee all human activities such as: marriage, childbirth, health, work, money, war, art, etc.

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