
God of war. Celtic (Continental European). Mentioned by the Roman writer Lucan but otherwise virtually unknown. He may have originated as a tree god. One carving [Trier] identifies Esus felling a tree with birds in the branches (see also INANA). Elsewhere he is associated with three cranes and a bull.



*Second hardest of all minerals; raw form of ruby and sapphire.
*Promotes insight to the unknown, enhances one’s intuitive awareness.
*Stimulates ambition and confidence, subdues emotions and helps one to release anger in a positive manner.

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The Fool by Charly

Coming to Birth thru the material
Born to the planet thru meat
Open wide gates of the female
I am born cosmic joker.
Pan-God of the universe supreme
Promise of invention reassured
As I, Sun, of the newborn
Come alive from the dark.
King of the unseen, I declare,
Conquerer of the unknown, I do say,
Traveller of the cosmic voyage
I come to be born anew.
I, at the beginning of the journey,
Come full force like a spring
Metal needle standing up
Like a prick of steel
Male protrusion from the universe
Womb of all existence
I come forth, declaring
Seal of eternity on my lips
I give forth all
Inside to the outside
Macro to the micro
Seal of power
Washed upon the shores
Cosmic universe
Lapping at my feet
Article by Charly

Lachesis (Venom from the Surucucu snake)

by Anja Heij

This remedy is made of the poison of the Surucucu,the Bushmaster, a very aggressive and poisonous snake, with the Latin name Trigonocephalus Lachesis.
In many cultures the snake symbolizes the instinctive forces in us, our “beastly” and emotional part. The snake in circle-form with the tail in his mouth also symbolizes the circle of life and death, creative force, rebirth, immortality and totality. In fairy-tales a snake or dragon is often the guard of a cave (symbol of the unknown, the unconsciousness), the snake as protector of our secret life. The image of the snake gives us a better understanding of the complex character of the Lachesis personality.

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