Suggestions for Exercises – Lesson 17 Tarot

Exercise 17.2 – Interpreting Reversed Cards

  1. Three of Wands– reversed
    I’m in a rut. I rarely break out of my normal routine to seek new experiences.
  2. Chariot– reversed
    My desire to get my own way is being thwarted, but my win at work will mean little if my family is unhappy.
  3. Ace of Swords– reversed
    don’t feel like getting too involved in this cause.
  4. Tower– reversed
    There is a small chance my run of good fortune could end suddenly.
  5. Knight of Swords– reversed
    My cousin is a great talker, but he’s not that knowledgeable about the technical aspects of this field.
  6. Four of Cups– reversed
    I’m beginning to lose interest in this relationship. I feel a small, but growing urge to withdraw.
  7. Six of Pentacles– reversed
    I’m not sure I have enough physical and emotional resources to support my daughter through this crisis in my home.
  8. Page of Cups– reversed
    My feelings of love and tenderness for my baby are begin drowned out by my need for sleep!
  9. Temperance– reversed
    I’m pretty low on patience right now. I’m tempted to take drastic action.
  10. Death– reversed
    Animportant inner change is struggling to happen, but my fears are blocking

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Beyond Reason: A New Look At An Old Devil

by Aries

Inside my mind is a court room. It is dark and sombre, a few shafts of light from high slit windows etch out sloping pillars of swirling dust. In the public gallery are a representative sample of the great unwashed; fighting, fornicating, eating, suckling piglets, and other sub-Bosch activities that lend atmosphere to the Baroque wanderings of my imagination. The judge is unhappy. Whatever happens, someone, somewhere, will hate him for it. In the dock are the three grand-dames from Shakespeare’s “Scottish” play, and I am counsel for the defence. The Advocatus Diaboli, I guess. In the witness stand is “Dance with the Devil” by Audrey Harper and Harry Pugh, and grave are its accusations. But first, let’s have its story.
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Conditional love – Possessive relationships

by Anja Heij

Whilst unconditional love freely flows inside out, conditional love sets its terms and is directed inwardly.
Conditional love sends out messages like this: “I have done so much for you, so now you should do this for me.” Or “I need your attention, your sympathy, your consent, your time, your presence, your love.” Or “I want you to live your life according to my beliefs and ideas.” “I need you to need me, and to look after me exactly the way I have in mind.” “And if you don’t do that, I will fall ill or become very unhappy.”

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Making A Difference – The Hanged Man

by Anja Heij

A woman walks in the bare coldness and desolation of the Himalayas in wintertime. The sun is her only companion in a contemplative foot tour in which she thinks over the faded dreams, disappointments, unpleasant activities and unhappy relationship that make up her life. With the scarce snow crunching under her shoes she asks the huge naked mountains how she possibly can start over now she’s filled with depression, feelings of failure, guilt, responsibility, worthlessness and lack of courage. Suddenly a crystal clear voice inside her answers this desperation with the magical words “You can do everything!”

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