Jade wards off infantile disease if placed around the neck and not removed.

lt is placed in the mouth of a corpse to protect the soul.  Necromancers used it to raise the soul.  Jade bracelets are worn to promote a long life and as a charm to prevent eye infection. It is considered to be the concentrated essence of love. It makes a good healing talisman for the kidneys, urinary and digestive problems.

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“Celtic Workshop #6 – Dindsenchas, Totems and Transmigration”

{(During the previous Workshop, we studied the Celtic Otherworld and their God/desses. We saw how Existence was divided into a Higher, Middle and Underworld reality. The Spirit of the Celt would be tied to and migrate between these various worlds. A celt was very connected to the land as well as having a strong belief in his “code of conduct'” and the immortality of his Being. Tonight’s Workshop will attempt to clarify how A Celt arrived at these strong inner concepts of connection to his family, his Land and his Eternal or Spirit life. In order to understand the Celtic Spirit, one must know the Dinseanchas, the Totemic Animals and the Druidic concept of Transmigration of the Soul.}

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