The Goddess

by Anja Heij

Although often depicted as a woman, she is none, and she is all of them. “I am every woman!” And every woman is the Goddess. She is the mystery of the life-giving and life-taking rhythm of nature, the great void and well of endless possibilities. She is the infinite bubbling up of inspiration, waiting to be fertilized by intent and focused action.

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by Anja Heij

Federico Fellini once said: “There is no beginning, there is no end, there is only the infinite passion of life.”
Infinity is the forever expanding heartbeat of the universe. A well-known symbol for this concept is the snake biting his own tail, or a circle. These round symbols are a simple representation of a deep truth: life is perfect and complete, you are perfect and complete, yet there is always more to learn, try out, understand and experience and therefore we are encouraged to move on our path.

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