The Force of Life – Don Miguel Ruiz

When you are aware that you are the force that is Life, anything is possible. Miracles happen all the time, because those miracles are performed by the heart. The heart is in direct communion with the human soul, and when the heart speaks, even with the resistance of the head, something inside you changes; your heart opens another heart, and true love is possible..”. ♥✿❀•✿❀•*”˜˜”*°•.
Don Miguel Ruiz

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Hari (yellowish brown)

Minor incarnation of the god VISˇNU. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Popularized by modern religious movements, Hari is one of the sons of the god DHARMA who sprang from the heart of BRAHMA. He is most closely linked with KRSNA, but he and Krsna also parallel Dharma’s other sons, NARA and NARAYANA. Hari can be a more generic epithet applied to several Hindu gods.

Larimar by Rhiana Moonstar

A gentle, soft, sky-blue Caribbean healer. Brings tranquility of water/sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love. Self-expression, patience, acceptingness, simplicity, creativity, artwork. With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive. Cools, draws out inflamation, fevers, sunburn heat. Especially helps the creativity and throat chakra (shoulder, thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.

Danburite by Rhiana Moonstar

Clear crystal. Powerfully radiates bright, pure, white light, filling our body, mind, and spirit (and relationships) with loving light. Excellent to cleanse, purify, or debrief. Fills 3rd eye and crown chakra with joy and illumination. Brings truth, honesty, a smile to the heart and open receptivity to mind and spirit. Strengthens mind, nervous system, life force, awareness. Program for particular uses. Excellent healing tool.