Friar Tuck

by Austine Moon, Clarksville Middle School

Friar Tuck is a priest from old English folklore, and as legend describes, he was slightly pudgy. Armed with a sword, bow, and merry temperament, Friar Tuck was one of Robin Hood’s best known men. He helped Robin with his missions and/or schemes. But even before he and Robin met, he was known as one of the best swordsmen/archers in the land. When Robin first came across Tuck, he didn’t know the identity of the fat friar.

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Astrological Elements

by Llewellyn George

The Fire Triplicity is represented by the choleric or bilious temperament, exhibiting a rash, feverish, easily excited or impulsive nature with inflammatory and bilious affections, sudden illnesses, generally acute but usually of short duration.
The fiery signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) represent the vital spirit, the bodily heat with its elements of combustion, all of which incline to activity: political, military and speculative interests.

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