Chamomile –

Widely is used for use in sleep, peace, happiness and love relationship spells. The tea is a wonderful way to induce a peaceful slumber and sweet dreams and aids in meditation. The essential oil is ghastly expensive. Roman chamomile is by far the most inexpensive, but the flower itself is easy to find and works well for magical applications.

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Hypnos   HIP nuhs

Sleep—the Twin Brother of Death

Hypnos enters the sleep of mortals and, at the bidding of the Olympians, gives them dreams of foolishness or inspiration, depending on the individual and their divine protectors or enemies.

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Another useful stone! Place one on your altar to lend extra energy to magickal spells. Guards against negativity and depression, calms and soothes. Enhances the ability to give and recieve love. Increases business success, money. Promotes sleep. Very protective against physical dangers. Wonderful stone to use in the protection of children, and during travel.