
Vitis vinifera
The vine or the grape is one of the most well known plants in the world. The grape grows as a shrub from one large vine, which is characterized by twisted stems that bear rather small, round and green branches with a lot of large and alternating placed palm shaped leaves. The vine also bears many tiny flowers that are grouped in a light green panicle on the stem. Grapes bear clusters of berries, which are the fruits; typically each berry is characterized by a variable color, which can go from being light green to deep blue, depending on the variety of grape. Each single berry in a grape berry cluster will contain about five and ten seeds, though seedless varieties have been bred and are much more common. The grape grows from a single vine, and original vines from very good stock can live for up to six hundred years at a time.

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FLAX: (Linum usitatissimum)

Also called Linseed. Annual Flax has slender stems with linear green leaves, beautiful, flat blue flowers, and oily brown seeds. A teaspoon of the seed is placed in a quart of water and gently simmered down to one-half quart. The resulting liquid is given for constipation, for ulcerated sore throat, and as an expectorant for bronchitis in one-fourth cup doses throughout the day. To pass a gallstone, take one and a half to two tablespoons of linseed oil and lie on your left side for a half hour. The whole seeds (about two tablespoons) can be taken with plenty of water to relieve constipation. Follow with stewed prunes or prune juice. The cooked seeds are added to fresh grated carrots, and the mix is warmed to make a poultice to rheumatism and swellings.

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Black Locust

Robinia pseudoacacia
Black locust – a deciduous tree 60-80 feet tall, with a thick, deeply furrowed, dark brown bark and crooked, forking branches. Compound, feathery leaves 8-10 inches long consist of oval leaflets 1 – 2 1/2 inches long. A pair of approximately 1/2-inch-long thorns forms at the base of each leaf. White, sweet-scented flower clusters (May-June) resemble pea blossoms. Smooth, dark brown pods 3 – 4 inches long contain poisonous seeds.

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Bitter Melon

Momordica charantia
The herb known as the bitter melon is a tropical plant, and grows extensively in the tropics-which include parts of East Africa, large parts of Asia, the Caribbean islands, and in parts of South America. This plant is used as a source of food and as an herbal medicine as well. True to its name, the fruit of this plant has a very bitter taste. Medicinal use is chiefly made of the fruit, as it is considered the safest and most easily cured part of the plant, however, the seeds, the leaves, and the vines of the bitter melon has also been extensively used in a variety of herbal medicines and infusions.

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Imbolc Ritual

My Imbolc Ritual which my Coven will be holding on Sat 2nd August at 5pm SA time (GMT+2).

I write my own rituals, spells, poetry etc, unless otherwise stated. I will post pics of the ritual afterwards, although I may be doing it solitary as most my Coven members can’t make it this weekend.

Prepared for the ritual will be:
A small piece of cloth
A small tray of ashes
A tin of soil and seeds.

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