Mid Summer Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This Sabbat celebrates the Goddess. She is now with child, as is nature with the bounty of the coming harvest. This is a time when energies abound, & is a good time for magick/purification rites. The altar can be decorated with summer herbs, greenery, & flowers. The cup should be filled with milk. If you have made a protective amulet previous to the ritual, you will want to place this on the altar. Before the ritual begins, make a small pouch out of white cloth and fill it with any combination of midsummer herbs that you wish & be sure to add them in threes. Tie pouch with red string & place it on the altar. The altar cloth & candles should be white.

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A Self Dedication Ritual by David Rankine and Sorita

A Self Dedication Ritual
For more information on the authors please visit -www.avalonia.co.uk or if you wish to contact them please write to: BM Avalonia, London, WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. (Please include a SAE) © David Rankine & Sorita 2000

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Banishing And Sealing Ritual For The Home

By: David Piper

To be performed during at the New Moon, but may be performed at any time in need.
You will need a new white Candle (any size with holder), small bowls for Water and Salt, and a large bowl of water as well, and the censer and an appropriate incense. (Choose one that brings to your mind qualities you wish to have in your home.)

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by Dave Ward

Bakbakwalanooksiwae is the primary figure in the Kwakiutl Hamatsa ceremony. His name means “Great Cannibal at the North End of the Earth.” He devours initiates, who become cultureless, languageless, and songless in his belly before they are transformed by the ritual.

Invocation of Lord and Lady (Ritual)

Dan Holdgreiwe
The following is the text of a ritual titled Invocation of the Lord and Lady which was presented by the Fellowship of the Sacred Grove at a local gathering in November of 1993. Prayers and invocations are not included in the text as these are delivered spontaneously by the Priest and Priestess.

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Dragon Fire Ritual

This is a candle burning ritual using Dragon Magick. Either tapers or votives
can be used for candle-burning rituals. For safety, choose a metal or non-
flammable holder and set it in a safe place. To increase the potency time the
burning to correct lunar or solar phases depending on the type of ritual you
wish to perform. For increasing and obtaining desires, burn during daylight or
the waxing moon (from after the New Moon to the Full Moon), with the Full Moon
being the strongest. For banishing or cursing, burn during evening hours or the
waning moon (from after the Full Moon until the New Moon) , with the New Moon
being the strongest.
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Today’s lecture has two purposes.  First, we will deal with the legends, meta-legends, and conventions that form the basis for most Neopagan ritual.  Then we will discuss the purposes behind a witchcraft initiation, and walk through the one that the graduates of this class will perform.

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Today’s lecture has two purposes.  First, we will deal with the legends, meta-legends, and conventions that form the basis for most Neopagan ritual.  Then we will discuss the purposes behind a witchcraft initiation, and walk through the one that the graduates of this class will perform.


  1. Theology/Thealogy


Theology and thealogy (the alpha-ending, Thea, being the Greek feminine ending) are outlined to show how Neopagans relate to their own and other people’s choices of gods.  The hook on which this will all be hung is that most of the Gods represent facets of human experience personified.

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The previous two courses teach the full minimum necessary to work solo magick.  The remaining two days will concentrate on group ritual.  In Day Three, we will discuss the basic techniques.


To explain the outline, relate the outline of the three Essentials of Eastern magick – mandalla, mantra, and mudra.