Corn Dollies

The last sheaf of the harvest, dressed in a woman’s dress or woven into an intricate shape and decked with ribbons, is regarded as the embodiment of the spirit of the crop, the spirit of the growing grain itself. The safe-keeping of this corn dolly over the winter insures fertility for the following harvest, provided that some portion of it is given to cattle and horses to eat, and some portion of it strewn in the field or mixed with the seeds for the next crop.

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Untangling Spell

by: Cerridwen Iris Shea

Get nine ribbons, cords, or lengths of yarn, each in a different color. Place them on a cloth and mix them up. Take a deep breath and say:

“Lachesis, Clotho, Atropos, Fates Three,

Help me to unravel this mystery.

As I organize these strands in a row,

May my life make sense to know.”

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