Make a Silver Branch

© 1995 by D. J. Conway

Some folks who do not care for the sound of the drum prefer to use the musical Silver Branch instead. Similar to the rattle used in other shamanic cultures, the Silver Branch is used as a guide on the journey to the Otherworlds. King Cormac of Ireland received a Silver Branch from an Otherworld stranger and used it to heal his people. As a link between the outer and inner realms, the Silver Branch is a source of inspiration and authority.

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*Color is gray to black.
*Intensifies one’s patience and provides information to higher self concerning perseverance.
*Helps search for truth.
*Provides grounding and centering while enhancing the creative aspects of ones nature, allowing access to information from advanced realms.
*Helps align subtle bodies and enhances emotional stability and heightens distinction.

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*Stimulates the crown chakra and its connections to all higher vibrational planes.
*Brow stimulation of quite vivid pictures which can assist in self-directing.
*Aids in refining the spirit.
*Provides a tightly focused channel of energy connected to the angelic realms.
*Use as an aid to meditation, self-development and personal evolution.
*Facilitates cleaner and easier entry to meditation.
*Stone is positive and shows no negativity.
*Color range: Ice blues to Ice clear to yellowish.  Contains silica.

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Grounding and Shielding

by Anja Heij

With grounding or centering we mean being firmly present in your body and cleaning it from lower frequencies, so that the ‘holy spirit can descend into matter’ or, put in a different way, you can easily make contact with your intuition and unconsciousness knowledge. Shielding means using some energetic shield or defense to keep unwanted spirits and negativity out or your energy field. Especially before starting spiritual practice it is important to use shielding, because then you are opening up yourself for contact with other realms. If you are sensitive to absorbing problems, emotions, thoughts or even physical pain of others, it is advisable to ground yourself every morning and evening for a short while. And if you sense that others are tapping into your energy or spread a heavy, negative energy, immediately put an energetic shield around you.

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