
*Stimulates the crown chakra and its connections to all higher vibrational planes.
*Brow stimulation of quite vivid pictures which can assist in self-directing.
*Aids in refining the spirit.
*Provides a tightly focused channel of energy connected to the angelic realms.
*Use as an aid to meditation, self-development and personal evolution.
*Facilitates cleaner and easier entry to meditation.
*Stone is positive and shows no negativity.
*Color range: Ice blues to Ice clear to yellowish.  Contains silica.

Continue reading “*Azestulite*”


*Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal, or white needle crystals.
*Deep, peaceful meditation; uplifts emotions.
*Centring, overview, patience under stress, helps us navigate business/managerial/personal challenges with a clear head and steady hand.
*Giving and receiving easily.
*Balances yin-yang.
*Eyes, brain, Central Nervous System, heart, opens spiritual/brow chakra for day-to-day living with an open heart and mind.
*Centring self during stress and anger.
*Problem solving, patience and will power.
*Stimulates communication with higher planes.
by Rhiana Moonstar



by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Enochian Magick teaches that divinity ex-presses itself downward from the spiritual world into the material world of time, space and form. This descent results in a graduated series of planes and subplanes until the lowest expression is reached—the physical world in which we live. These planes are called the Cosmic Planes of Manifestation. They are invisible to the five physical senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, but are real nonetheless. They consist of five main planes. These cosmic planes contain the Four Great Watchtowers of Enochian Magick. A Tablet of Union unites the four Watchtowers (see Figure 1) and each of the four Watchtower Tablets. The Tablet of Union contain Squares. Each Watchtower Tablet consists of thirteen rows and twelve columns, making a total of 156 Squares. Each Square is a subplane of the Magickal Universe and holds one or more letters of the Angelic alphabet. By appropriate application of these letters, the names of all of the Enochian deities (as well as all the terrible demons) are made known.

Continue reading “Watchtowers”