Trading Places Exercise

Objective:To trade places (mentally) with a dog or cat, or other animal.

Setting: Home, Zoo, Wilderness, etc.


1. Relax your body as completely as you can. Calm your mind, eliminating all thoughts which do not relate to your intent and purpose. Sit so that you are comfortable, and as nearly as possible on the same level with the animal you will be working with. Lie down if you like. The important thing is that you are able to comfortably make eye contact with your animal partner in this exercise. It is also important to satisfy yourself that the animal is likewise comfortable and secure with you.

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Latin Name Peucedanum graveolens
Gender Masculine
Parts Used Whole
Magickal Uses Associated with love and protection. Dill may be placed in a red satchet and put beneath a woman’s undergarments, in her dresser, to inspire lust and fidelity from any man she comes in contact. Hanging a bundle of dried dill from the doorways, or over infant’s cradles, will provide protection. When burned with peppermint, it will bring luck and money to the witch.

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Bull god. Egyptian. The living personification of the creator god PTAH in Memphis, he acts as an intermediary between the supreme god and mankind. His mother is ISIS, who engendered him in a lightning flash. The bull is depicted as wholly black apart from a small white triangle on the forehead, and it bears vultuze wings. Between its horns are surmounted the sun disc (or, in later times, the moon) and the uraeus (snake symbol).

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Protein is essential for normal growth, cell repair, and the production of hormones, immune cells, and muscle.
Scientists have begun to investigate the health benefits of a particular type of protein: whey protein concentrate, which is derived from milk protein. Unlike whole milk, whey protein concentrate does not contain fat, lactose (a milk sugar that can be hard to digest), or any other undesirable ingredients. What it does contain, however, are six different types of protein that have potent disease-fighting properties.

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Tune in and turn Earth on

Bob Trubshaw

If the Earth is sacred and we are part of a sacred relationship with her, this begs the question as to why some places are seen as sacred. Or, looking at this the other way, why are some places not seen as sacred? The pagan revival tries to work its way out of this dilemma, the ecological Green movement hits the same problem when it considers that everywhere is equally important ecologically, but has to live with the real eventualities where some places are more ‘equally important’ than others.

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Modified Assyrian Protection Spell

Ban! Ban! Barier That None Can Pass,
Barrier Of The Gods, That None May Break,
Barrier Of Heaven and Earth That None Can Change,
Which No God May Annul,
Nor God Nor Man Can Loose,
A Snare Without Escape, Set for Evil,
A Net Whence None Can Issue Forth, Spread for Evil,
Whether It Be evil Spirit, or evil Fiend, or Hag-Demon, or Ghoul, or Robber-Sprite,
Or Phantom, or Night-Wraith, or Handmaid of the Phantom,
Or Evil Plague, or Fever-Sickness, or Unclean Disease,
Or That Which May Do Harm in Any Form or Fashion
Which Hath Attacked the Shining Waters of Ea,
May the Snare of Ea Catch It;
Or Which Hath Assailed the Meal of Nisaba,
May the Net of Nisaba Entrap It;

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Howling at the Moon!

by Atham Z

Lunacy, says it all. We all know that the time of the full moon feels strange. Legend has it that the full moon brings out the worst in people: more violence, suicides, accidents, and aggression. The influence of the moon and behavior has been called “The Lunar Effect” or “The Transylvania Effect.” The belief that the full moon causes mental disorders and strange behavior was widespread throughout Europe in the middle ages.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

Wife of Zethus and mother of a daughter Itylus, whom she slew by mistake, whereupon Zeus transformed her into the nightingale who nightly laments her murdered child -OR- a queen of ancient Thebes who plotted to kill a son of her rival Niobe but killed her own son by mistake. Her grief led her to try suicide but she was transformed into the first nightingale by the gods, a bird that still haunts the night with its mournful cry.
Odyssey XIX, 518.

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Grounding and Shielding

by Anja Heij

With grounding or centering we mean being firmly present in your body and cleaning it from lower frequencies, so that the ‘holy spirit can descend into matter’ or, put in a different way, you can easily make contact with your intuition and unconsciousness knowledge. Shielding means using some energetic shield or defense to keep unwanted spirits and negativity out or your energy field. Especially before starting spiritual practice it is important to use shielding, because then you are opening up yourself for contact with other realms. If you are sensitive to absorbing problems, emotions, thoughts or even physical pain of others, it is advisable to ground yourself every morning and evening for a short while. And if you sense that others are tapping into your energy or spread a heavy, negative energy, immediately put an energetic shield around you.

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Rituals, invocations and sacred space

by Anja Heij


“There is a single main definition of the object of all magickal Ritual. It is the uniting of the Microcosm with the Macrocosm. The Supreme and Complete Ritual is therefore the Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel; or, in the language of the Mysticism, Union with God.”

-Aleister Crowley

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