
In Scottish Gælic bodach means ‘old man’. This was a spirit or bogie that would come down the chimney of a house and either steal children or terrorize them, poking and pulling at the child, thus inducing nightmares. It was said that the bodach would only bother naughty children, and in defense a child could put salt in the hearth, as the bodach would not cross salt.


– Guards against illusions, enchantments, and nightmares. If anger is a problem for you, try using this gemstone as it is known to calm even the most raging anger. Peridot also calms nervousness and banishes negative emotions. Good for general healing, promoting sleep, and attracting money.


*For eyes, blood plasma, against blood poisoning, epilepsy, helps in case of poisoning and for concentration, brain, pituitary gland, blood circulation, cartilage, throat, skull, shoulders, reproductive organs and vitality, against gout, yellow fever, addictions, fear, insecurity and jealousy.
*Diamond is used as a meditation stone; this stone enhances spirituality and is seen as the highest form of transformation because Diamond consists of pure carbon, a substance that also makes up coal.
*Diamond is the embodiment of peace and cures insomnia and nightmares.

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Happy Home Magical Stones

Here are a few stones to add to your home or scatter about the house to enhance your personal sacred space. Snowflake obsidian is an “un-hexing stone” that removes hex spells; place in windows or doors to prevent hex spells from entering your home. Zebra marble protects households and should be placed in the corners of the home. Goldstone (glass with flecks of copper) promotes calm; place in children’s rooms to promote good, sound sleep. Sodalite also promotes peaceful sleep. Coral will protect against nightmares. Keep a piece of clear quartz and onyx next to your computer to draw away any harmful emissions and to help you to use your special tool wisely.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

Sister of Dumuzi. The dying Dumuzi, tortured by nightmares, brought the dreams to his sister for interpretation.
Gestinanna realized her brother was under attack by demons. She tells him this and advises him to flee. Dumuzi flees, swearing Gestinanna to secrecy as to where he is going into hiding. The demons attacked Gestinanna to force her to reveal her brother’s whereabouts, but she remained silent. The demons, however, soon found Dumuzi, hiding in the form of a gazelle in his sister’s sheepfold. He was carried off to the underworld by them; Gestinanna then set out to rescue him.

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