Gandarewa / Kundraw

Region: Persia, Sumeria
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature: None
Sources: Ancient Deities, p185, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, p131, Circle of the Dragon
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Ai / Aijatar / Ajatar / Ajattara / Aijo

Region: Estonia, Southern Regions
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature: None
Sources: Giants, Monsters, and Dragons

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Anata / Sesha / The Endless One / Anataboga / Anata Boga

Region: India, Java region
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature: Wayang
Sources: Giants, Monsters, and Dragons pg 17, DenCity, Illiana, Circle of the Dragon

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Dobrynya Nikititch

by Cyril Korolev

In Russian folklore Dobrynya is an epic hero, a mighty warrior, second in might and power after Ilya Muromets, distant relative of prince Vladimir of Kiev. Unlike his comrades – Ilya and Alyosha Popovitch – Dobrynya had some aptitude to fine arts: he sang beautifully, could read and write and play chess; but first of all he was a gallant warrior who protected Russian borders and fought with enemies and monsters.

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