The Meanings of the Numbers by David Allen Hulse

But what good is this bit of divinatory calculation associating numbers to names and birth dates if we do not have an oracular vocabulary which can give symbolic meaning and nuance to the number series? Luckily, modern numerology has inherited from the ancient tradition of numbers a key to interpreting the meaning of numbers.

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by Daphne Elliott

Before recorded Time, (c. 900 BCE) but during an active migration era of prehistoric Greece (c. 10,000 BCE), a people came into the Pelaponnesus, presumably from the north, and settled around the eastern Mediterranian coast and its islands, Sicily, Lamapadusa etc. They were called “Pelasgians,” which has several specific meanings, depending on which translation one might be reading.

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Suggestions for Exercises – Tarot Lesson 16

Exercise 16.1 – Traditional Position Pairs in the Celtic Cross

Bold phrases refer to card meanings. Italic phrases refer to position meanings.

  1. Position 1— Position 2
    (A) Page of Cups — Knight of Pentacles
    My son is a sweet, sensitive guy who takes everything to heartHis teacher is too inflexible and grim. She’s driving my son too hard by insisting on an unreasonable level of perfection.

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