Dragon’s Blood: Correspondences

by Gwydion
Daemonorops draco, Dracaena spp.
Folk Names: Blood, Blume, Dragon’s Blood Palm, Calamus Draco, Draconis Resina, Danguis Draconis
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire

Power: Protection, Love, Exorcism, Potency


by Aldis Putelis

The Moon. In a number of texts – protector of travelers and soldiers, probably as the source of light at night.
In Latvian tradition – masculine, opposed to many other Indo-European mythologies, although there are linguistic data (G. F. Stender. Neue vollstaendige Lettische Grammatik. – Braunschweig 1761; J. Lange. Vollstaendiger lettisch-deutsches Lexicon. – 1773.) supposedly proving the feminine aspect of Meness.

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