Dragon’s Blood (Daemonorops draco or Dracaena draco):

 Mars, Fire. Used in love and protection spells. A piece under the bed is reputed to cure impotency. Place in drawers and cupboards you don’t want people looking in, with the incantation:

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In Celtic Mythology, Belatu-Cadros (“fair shining one” or “fair slayer”), also rendered Belatucadros or Belatucadrus, was a deity worshipped in northern Britain, particularly in Cumberland and Westmorland. He may be related to Belenus and Cernunnos, and was equated in the Roman Britain period with Mars. He appears to have been worshipped by lower-ranked Roman soldiers as well as by Britons.

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Dragon’s Blood: Correspondences

by Gwydion
Daemonorops draco, Dracaena spp.
Folk Names: Blood, Blume, Dragon’s Blood Palm, Calamus Draco, Draconis Resina, Danguis Draconis
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire

Power: Protection, Love, Exorcism, Potency

Dragon Zodiac corrispondence


Colour: Red
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Stone: Diamond
Flower: Geranium
Description: Energetic, impatient, lacking in foresight, short tempered, sarcastic, witty, lucky, demanding, sharp minded, cutting, egocentric, adventuresome, feisty

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Ferrum metallicum (Iron)

by Anja Heij

Ferrum, iron, is the metal of the planet Mars. Mars derives its red color from the large amounts of iron in the ground. In the human body the liver is the main storeroom of iron; a proper working liver is associated with courage and positivism. Our blood contains 70 % of our body-iron, transporting oxygen to the cells, thus providing us energy.

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