Introduction to Enochian Magick by: Gerald and Bety Scheuler

Magick is broadly defined as the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will. Any time we will something to happen, and that something comes about, we have conducted a magical operation.
In truth, therefore, we are all magicians. We conduct magical operations all day long, and take them for granted.
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Practice #43: How to Clear a Person

Clearing of a person is a standard practice for magicians. There are many reasons for which a clearing may become necessary. Persons who are involved in magical practice but who do not have yet the authority to control energies of a higher order (“spirits” may become possessed. The entity that has a good mental capability seeks to gain a permanent point to manifest. This process is like a stone falling to the ground. It’s a natural characteristic of any entity, even a “good” one. It’s preferable not to be possessed by any entity – neither by a demon nor by an angel. A human being with its Divine spark is born to have control at all times. Possession by a demon, an angel, or a channeled entity is against human nature. Consequently human beings have a desire to rid themselves from these entities. There are many ways in which possession can occur.

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Alistair Livingstone


Inspired, no doubt foolishly, by a new moon and the Cramps`”Psychedelic Jungle”, I have decided to enter the Thelema vs Chaos debate. This is of course an impossible task, which is no doubt why it appeals to me.

Firstly, what is it that distinguishes Thelma from Chaos? In Starfire, Mick Staley attempts to distinguish Thelema from Crowleyanity. Thelema he suggested pre-existed Crowley`s formulation of it. This immediately causes problems, since for the majority of magicians, Crowley = Thelema. But if it can be accepted that there is a something which exists independently of Crowley`s writings, then it must be this something (Thelema) which is to be contrasted with Chaos Magick. The core of this something, I suggest, is the Will. Is this idea of the Will in any way opposed to Chaos?

Continue reading “CHAOS vs THELEMA ?”