RADHA (prosperity)

ORIGIN Hindu (Epic and Puranic) [India]. Goddess of emotional love.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1000 BC and earlier until present day.

SYNONYMS BHUMIDEVI [southern India].


ART REFERENCES virtually none.

LITERARY SOURCES later Puranic literature—the works of Vidyapati (1352-1448), including the Brahma-vaivarta-purana.

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Larrea tridentata
Chaparral refers broadly to any dense thicket of shrubs or dwarf trees. More specifically, in recent herbal literature, it designates the leaflets of Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc.) Coville, a name considered by modern authors to be synonymous with L. divaricata Cav. and L. mexicana Moric. This strong-scented, olive green bush of the family ygophyllaceae is the dominant shrub in the desert regions of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Better-known common names of the plant are creosote bush and greasewood.
An aqueous extract of the leaves and twigs, so-called chaparral tea, is an old Indian remedy and has been used for a wide variety of ailments, including arthritis, cancer, venereal disease, tuberculosis, bowel cramps, rheumatism, and colds. Chaparral is said to possess analgesic, expectorant, emetic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

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History of Egyptian Medicine and Philosophy

by Lynn Bellair

When medical knowledge past is considered, lack of aseptic technique, pain-killing drugs and antibiotics are an accepted part of our modern legend of these ancient healing practices. You will find that none of this is true when it comes to Ancient Egypt. These erroneous ideas were partially propagated through an over reliance on carved inscriptions and tomb art. Then as now, the majority of the literature, medical knowledge and science of a civilization is never inscribed on indestructible materials. Another factor has been the academic and cultural prejudice that treats the past’s achievements as the product of near savages with nothing of importance to teach us know-it-all moderns. It is only in the last few years the discovery and translation of a few papyri has broadened our understanding of the skill and ability these ancient healers developed over the millennia.

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A Precocious Youth / Slaying of the Dragon King’s Son / Drastic Measures

Region: E China Seas
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature: None
Sources: Ancient Tales and Folklore of China, Python

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by Graig Bakay

Few creatures of folklore and mythology conjure up the mental images of the dragon. Also known as wurm, wyrm and firedrake, these mercurial creatures pervade almost every pantheon of classical mythology and have become an integral inclusion of an entire genre of fantasy literature.

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