Celtic Craft Reading List – 6 July 1991

Rowan Moonstone

*** Marks especially good books. Read these FIRST!! Keep in mind, this is simply a listing of the books that I have found useful. Question everything.

A.E.(GEORGE RUSSELL); “The Candle of Vision“, Quest Books, Theosophical Pub. 1975

ALFORD, VIOLET; “The Hobbyhorse & Other Animal Masks”, Merlin Press 1978

AMERICAN CONFERENCE FOR IRISH STUDIES; “Guide to Irish Studies in the U.S.A.” 1987

ANWYL, EDWARD; “Celtic Religion in Pre-christian Times“, Archibald Constable & Co. 1906 ***

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This is an annotated list of Buddhist books that I hope will be useful and entertaining

We will first look at some basic books that will help one get a feel of the issues as presented by the three basic traditions of Buddhism in the West–Theravada, Mahayana, and Zen. Secondly, we shall look at a wide variety of popular and scholarly works. They will be presented in no particular order. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
Bad books will be scrupulously avoided.

Continue reading “A BUDDHOBIBLIOGRAPHY — Bruce Burrill”

City of the Legion

by Brian Edward Rise

The site of Arthur‘s ninth battle in the Historia Brittonum. Geoffrey of Monmouth‘s “City of the Legions” is meant to be Caerleon in S.E. Wales and here Arthur holds court but fights no battle. However, in the Annales Cambriae Chester is the City of the Legion and likely the place referred to in the battle list.


By Mary Leibach and Bill Schulz


This is a list of books of interest in current Asatru, a form of Norse Paganism.  It is divided into five sections.

A) Primary sources.
B) Books concerning the modern revival.
C) Books of peripheral or collateral interest.
D) Additional Old Norse and German material of possible interest in English translation.
E) Some fictional material.
F) Material actually in Old Norse, or material used for the study of old Norse texts.

Continue reading ” ASATRU READING LIST”

Ceremonial Mysticism reading list

From: ba@mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu (B.A. Davis-Howe)
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana

The following is a draft of a reading list on Ceremonial Mysticism.
Before reading the list, I ask that you read my definitions and judge it in that context. Please feel free to either post sugestions or mail them to me. Questions regarding my reasons are welcome as well, but gratuitous flames by those who view things very differently are not. If you don’t agree with my definitions or approach, that’s fine–but it is not what I’m asking. I’m looking for feedback on my approach–how to refine it and communicate it most effectively. Thanks for your help.

Continue reading “Ceremonial Mysticism reading list”