City of the Legion

by Brian Edward Rise

The site of Arthur‘s ninth battle in the Historia Brittonum. Geoffrey of Monmouth‘s “City of the Legions” is meant to be Caerleon in S.E. Wales and here Arthur holds court but fights no battle. However, in the Annales Cambriae Chester is the City of the Legion and likely the place referred to in the battle list.

Key dates in the Boudican revolution

55 BCE Julius Caesar invades with the Xth legion, but does not stay and only took hostages.

3 CE The Claudian invasion

61 CE The massacre of the druids.

61 CE The rise and fall of Boudica

62 CE (assumed) Boudica dies from her wounds.

78-84 CE Agricola rules Britain (He was present at the battle with Boudica).

120 CE Hadrian built his wall.

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Dangers to Meditation

By Bhikkhu Khantipalo

While the number of ways a meditator may go astray is legion, the few mentioned below deserve a special mention due to their common occurrence. First, a danger that cannot be stressed enough is the lack of right motivation for the practice of meditation. When the Eightfold Path is described, in its “wisdom” section, standing next to the (at first) intellectual right understanding, comes right motivation, thus emphasizing that the emotional roots underlying practice of the Way must be skillful ones: those connected with renunciation (non-greed), goodwill (non-hatred) and non-violence are mentioned. If one approaches Buddhist meditation with neither right understanding regarding dukkha and its cessation, nor with right motives, then one’s meditation is liable to seriously astray.
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