Blackthorn –

(Prunus spinosa) also called Sloe, is a wintry tree, the fruits ripen and sweeten only after the first frosts, and a cold spring was known traditionally as a “Blackthorn Winter”. Wood from the Blackthorn was traditionally used for the Irish cudgel or shillelagh, thorns were used in Witchcraft to pierce wax images. Ogham represents strong action of fate or outside influences in your life or journey. Also unexpected change, issues to be faced and decisions to be made which are inescapable. Counquers resistance draws on spiritual strength, new direction with opportunities.

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Caring for your crystals.

It is important to cleanse crystals, not only when you get them, but regularly after that too. Crystals pick up vibrations both good and bad and to ensure they work to their full capacity and don’t pass negativity on, you need to be aware of the various methods to keep them fully active. Imagine, your crystal has travelled hundreds, possibly thousands of miles before you received it. It has been handled not only by the person who mined for it, but all the other people who have been responsible for it during it’s journey. All of these contacts will have left a form of imprint on the crystal.

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The Fool by Charly

Coming to Birth thru the material
Born to the planet thru meat
Open wide gates of the female
I am born cosmic joker.
Pan-God of the universe supreme
Promise of invention reassured
As I, Sun, of the newborn
Come alive from the dark.
King of the unseen, I declare,
Conquerer of the unknown, I do say,
Traveller of the cosmic voyage
I come to be born anew.
I, at the beginning of the journey,
Come full force like a spring
Metal needle standing up
Like a prick of steel
Male protrusion from the universe
Womb of all existence
I come forth, declaring
Seal of eternity on my lips
I give forth all
Inside to the outside
Macro to the micro
Seal of power
Washed upon the shores
Cosmic universe
Lapping at my feet
Article by Charly

Tantric Mystery Dances

by Anja Heij

An endless row of small figures zigzags up the mountain in a snow-white Indian winter landscape. The Buddhist monastery of Likir in northern India lies on a Himalayan top and forms a colorful mandala in the midst of a virginal white world. I feel like a pilgrim on a sacred yet unknown journey. The other foreigners on their way up are a Dutch man who studies Tibetan Buddhism, and two young Germans who work as volunteers in an educational institute for the local people. Unlike the touristic Buddhist festivals in summertime this two days Tantric Winter Festival is very genuine. It is one of the highlights of the year for the Ladakhi people of this region.

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