Introduction to Wicca

What it is….What it isn’t
First and foremost, Welcome and Blessed be, you have chosen to persue a wonderous path, and to get you started out on the right foot, I am going to HIGHLY recommend that you run out and purchase a copy of Scott Cunningham’s Book “The Truth about Witchcraft Today”, by Llewellyn Publications, (no I don’t work for them, It is just an excellent starting book) and hopefully I’m not invading any copyright infringments by typing this, but what I am giving you here is the introduction taken straight from his book, it’s excellently written, and I don’t want to change a thing.So here it is…word for word..

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The Need for Love of Friends part 3

by the Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag
(Steps of the ladder, 1984, 3rd essay)

Why have I chosen these friends specifically?…
Why did these friends choose me?…
Isn’t it necessary for each and every one to reveal his love for his associates or is it enough that he feels it in his heart, loving his fellows in private and not revealing the hidden recesses of his heart. Modesty is well known to be a great virtue.

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