*Boji Stone*

*Iron-magnetite concretion.
*Solid, round, grey-brown discs with iron.
*Grounding, electromagnetic, balances body’s energy field.
*They reduce pain by holding one in each hand.
*Wearing/holding them with a Tiger’s Eye or other stone containing asbestos may bring on ill feelings.
*Recharge electrically in sun.
*Store Bojis apart – magnetism neutralizes each other.

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Physical properties of amethyst:

Amethyst is the most valuable stone of the quartz group, and is often found as 6 sided crystal points. Amethyst can range from light purple to deep purple as a result of trace amounts of manganese or iron.

Amethyst has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs’ scale, and a specific gravity of 2.64

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The Lovers by Charly

They come two in one
One melting of two lights
Dark to light to one
Moon to Sun, Mother-to-Father
They come full force as one
They come fire to water
World unspoken to a shouting force
Tornado manifesting the unseen
Face of wax melting to steel
Iron fist hiding velvet
Soft to hard, water to rock
Earth to wind, Love to Hate
One equal power to many sides
Twisting to one fate, destiny
Love the great force unseen
Invisible glue of all matter
Come and going into being
From nowhere to the seen
From evesight to oblivion
Tunnel without light beckoning
I call forth the fire
I call forth the water
I call forth the visible
I call forth the unseen
One Power. One Force. One Love
Falling thru Time
Time mirror of illusion.

Ferrum metallicum (Iron)

by Anja Heij

Ferrum, iron, is the metal of the planet Mars. Mars derives its red color from the large amounts of iron in the ground. In the human body the liver is the main storeroom of iron; a proper working liver is associated with courage and positivism. Our blood contains 70 % of our body-iron, transporting oxygen to the cells, thus providing us energy.

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