How to make friends with your guardian dragon

Spell time: May’s fullmoon

Burn a candle any color but black, you don’t want to call a chaos dragon. Burn a spicy or sweet incense, set out a few crystals to draw their attention dragons love gems! Then chant:

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How the Man got into the Moon

by Richard L. Dieterle
There once was a circular village in the mountains where a boy named ‘Running Antelope’ lived with his grandmother. He was with a group of people who went to visit a prairie village ruled over by a cruel chief. The chief was fond of a very beautiful maiden named ‘Little Hill’, but could not succeeded in winning her over.

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How to do Fireplace Magick

© 1993 by Edain McCoy

The fireplace has long been regarded as the magickal portal of a home. It was through this opening that Witches were said to fly away on their broomsticks, and in modern mythology it is the opening through which Santa Claus comes and goes. The fireplace once was the centre of home life. In it food was cooked, clothes washed, and by its light, families gathered to visit and tell stories. Due to its vital importance, people developed ways to protect the fireplace, such as tossing a handful of oak leaves, cloves, holly, rosemary, frankincense, cinnamon, or nettles onto the already smouldering fire.
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How the Enochian Tarot Works by Gerald and Betty Schueler

How can a deck of cards show you what will happen in the future? How does the Tarot work? In order to work, a Tarot deck must be an authentic microcosm of the macrocosmic universe. In other words, it must be structured in the same way that our universe is structured, but in miniature. The physical universe is only a small part of the whole. The portion of our universe that is invisible to our physical senses is sometimes called the Magickal Universe. It contains the inner worlds of the magician.
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Crystal info

HOW DO I CHOOSE A CRYSTAL.  There will be times when you need to purchase a crystal, and given the great abundance of healing stones now available, it can be useful to have a system for choosing your crystals.  You do not need to know the exact properties of every stone in order to buy one, although this may help.  Below is a list of possible ways you could go about choosing a crystal. Remember, just because a crystal is beautiful, and the nicest one of a bunch, doesn’t mean that it is the best crystal for you. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you.

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How to use your Birthstone

January…. Garnet is known as the stone of health.
Use this stone to ensure stability and encourage success.

February…. Amethyst is known as the happy stone.
Wearing this stone will bring you peace and harmony.

March…. Aquamarine was originally given to sailors to ensure a safe voyage at sea. This stone brings courage to the wearer.

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How to make your own GEL CANDLE

STEP #1 You will only need a few simple tools, of which all can usually be found in your kitchen. A metal spoon, a scale, a measuring cup, and a crock pot with a thermostat or a stovetop pan and a thermometer.

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Learn How To Direct Life Force Into Your Body – Practice 5-9

Practice #5: While you inhale, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While exhaling, imagine it condensing and building up in an area of your body such as your abdomen. Keep doing so for a while until you feel life energy in that part of the body.

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How to make incense

Burning incense makes great sense. It’s a natural, non-toxic air freshener that serves as a terrific alternative to today’s aerosols, plug-ins and the like. It also has a great track record; people have been using it for thousands of years and for all sorts of reasons.
Incense is basically a mixture of herbs, woods and resins that can be powdered and then burned slowly for a fragrant effect.  Ancient cultures burned it for ceremonies and worship. The Chinese and Japanese once burned it as a measurement of time, and today it’s used in religious rituals world-wide. But mostly it just smells great.  I will show you how to collect and prepare the ingredients needed for making incense, including a couple of recipes to get you started. After that, it’s up to you to experiment and create your own custom-made fragrances.
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