A Psychic Reader’s Code of Conduct by Donald Michael Kraig

1) My clients are responsible for their own behavior.

2) I will strive to be encouraging and give hope.
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Suggestions for Exercises – Lesson 15 Tarot

Exercise 15.1 – Permanent Pairs in the Major Arcana

  1. Devil(hopelessness)……….Star (hope)
  2. Sun(enlightenment)……….Moon (bewilderment)
  3. Chariot(hard control)……….Hanged Man (letting go)
  4. Empress(mothering)……….Emperor (fathering)
  5. Fool(beginning)……….Death (ending)
  6. Hermit(disengaging)……….World (engaging)
  7. Hierophant(group beliefs)……….Lovers (personal beliefs)

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Getting Up Again – A Story of Healing with Phosphorus and nacardium

by Anja Heij

Hope for the future gives life color and meaning. Having a body you can rely on is very important. In many cases the condition of the temple of our soul is a major key to happiness. And what makes healing so satisfactory is that the restoration of health leads to the restoration of hope and lust for life; the sun starts shining again.

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