
In Joppa, in the old Greece, the dragon Cetus lived. Cetus called Poseidon, an ancient god of the sea, to destroy the land of Queen Cassiopeia with water. An oracle told Cepheus, Cassiopeia’s husband, that the dragon could be stopped if Cepheus would sacrifice his daughter Andromeda to the dragon. Cepheus obeyed the oracle and offered his daughter to Cetus. Perseus, who was able to fly on winged sandals, freed the girl, who was chained to a rock near Cetus, by killing the dragon, after he landed on his back

Campe / Kampe / Echidnaean Enyo

Region: Greece
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature:
Sources: Apollodoros, Ancient Deities, p115, Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and Its Origins.
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