Practice #39: Confining the energy into a triangle or mirror

In the previous practice you have learned to keep an energy out of something. One of the functions of an empty circle is the removal of any material point where an energy could manifest. The practice that we are describing here has the opposite goal. It is the creation of an atmosphere that makes it easy for an energy of a higher order to manifest. This practice is also helping to confine the energy inside a well defined realm. Once the energy is made to manifest and well confined you have a reservoir from which you can project the energy at any target. While the circle represents emptiness, the triangle allows manifestation. A triangle that you extend into space naturally becomes a tetrahedron, or three sided pyramid with a base. This is an excellent representation of structure in a three dimensional space.

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An Introduction to Meditation by Choalayna

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.” -William Shakespeare

The key to successful endeavors in the world of magickal, psychic and spiritual realms is your ability to harness and control your energies while visualizing your goal. Meditation is a special kind of concentration, the purpose of which is to withdraw all your energies (emotional, mental, physical) and redirect them inward to a single point.

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Happiness is a decision

by Anja Heij

Happiness is transpersonal divine joy and fulfillment in creating and connecting. It is the outbursting purity of the Universe. In happiness one is opening up to the fullest for life, her gifts, possibilities and challenges. This implies that happiness is not a goal, but a road to travel on, an attitude and an approach.

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Happiness Is a Decision

by Anja Heij


Happiness is transpersonal divine joy and fulfillment in creating and connecting. It is the outbursting purity of the Universe.
In happiness one is opening up to the fullest for life, her gifts, possibilities and challenges. This implies that happiness is not a goal, but a road to travel on, an attitude and an approach.
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Initiation (Crowther)

By: Alex Rigel
Source: “Lid Off The Cauldron. A wicca Handbook”, Patrica Crowther, 1992, Samuel Weiser inc., Maine. pp.34-




To become a witch you must have a natural inclination to worship the Old Gods. It must be a feeling which springs from the heart and carries you on towards your goal, in exactly the same way it happened to the first witches thousands of years ago.

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