Enochian Deities and Hierarchies by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Enochian Magick denies the existence of a personal, absolute Deity, or God. Instead, the Enochian view of God agrees with the Buddhist teaching of a plurality of deities, with none supreme. The word supreme implies an end beyond which we cannot go; Enochian Physics accepts no such limitations. Existence is infinite and unbounded. There are no limits to it, and therefore there can be no supreme being. However, there are intelligent rulers of each world, each planet, each sun, and so on. Enochian Magick establishes the rulers for each of the four Watchtowers as follows:
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Suggestions for Exercises – Lesson 15 Tarot

Exercise 15.1 – Permanent Pairs in the Major Arcana

  1. Devil(hopelessness)……….Star (hope)
  2. Sun(enlightenment)……….Moon (bewilderment)
  3. Chariot(hard control)……….Hanged Man (letting go)
  4. Empress(mothering)……….Emperor (fathering)
  5. Fool(beginning)……….Death (ending)
  6. Hermit(disengaging)……….World (engaging)
  7. Hierophant(group beliefs)……….Lovers (personal beliefs)

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Prayer for the Deceased

Go your way to the land of the Ancestors,
where they wait for you with open arms,
there on the edge between this world and the next.
See; there they stand.
Ancestral spirits, welcome this one
to the place where we all must go.

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Spiritual Shower

Copyright Ben Swett, 1999

reprinted with permission

To release emotional burdens and cleanse residual problems:

  1. Go apart to a quiet place. Sit comfortably. Relax each part of your body one at a time. Imagine yourself in peaceful surroundings. Take a few minutes to enjoy this feeling.
  2. Remember something that has been troubling you, but don’t get involved in it now. Just think of the general situation or relationship, and say to yourself, “There is a problem there.”
  3. Call on God or Jesus [or your own concept of a higher power]. Imagine a ray of warm white light coming down to you from above. Offer the whole problem up to the light, to the Lord. Imagine your Higher Power taking it from you, accepting it and understanding it. Let the problem go, entrusting it to God.

(If you wish, return to step 2 and remember another problem.)

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